< Tim Radcliffe

Hello World!

This post means I’ve finished setting up the basic parts of this blog to my satisfaction. I’ll quickly outline some of the decisions that went into this hosting choice and what I hope to accomplish writing here. First, a quick example & test of some interactive visualizations using bokeh. Try moving the sliders and see what happens!

color_sliders.py example

Github pages seems great so far - an obvious upside is the ease of integration with source control, and it provies a wide range of customizability compared to other free hosted sites that I’ve used before. I’ve been equally impressed with Jekyll after ironing out a few kinks and settling on a theme and tweaking it to my satisfaction.

The ease of setting up syntax highlighting, MathJax and familiarity of Liquid as a templating language all made the whole experience of setting up the site pretty painless. Being able to write posts in whatever editor you desire and simply save them to a directory and push to git is a pleasant change from some of the terrible WYSIWYG editors I’ve used on other hosted blog platforms.

My first few posts are probably going to be some fairly basic stuff just to get the ball rolling, but I aim to publish some interesting stuff regarding word & sentence embeddings, and practical NLP applications for knowledge extraction soon.

For now, browse away!