< Tim Radcliffe


I currently work as a staff data science consultant focused on experimentation, ads and data quality for a Fortune100 client. Previously I worked at the digitally native furniture company Article for 3 years as their first full-time data hire, and grew into a role managing a small team of data-people in all areas of the business including a new ground-up BI/reporting stack, ad attribution, web-optimization, and demand planning programs. I’ve paid my bills as an independent front-end developer, and worked previously for a company called HeyCarson as the Lead Developer, managing a distributed, international team of front-end devs to provide affordable subscription development services to thousands of Shopify store owners. I’ve worked some other jobs too - I’ve including embedded development work, game & app development and once played giant chess professionally for a summer.

I’m hoping to use this space to talk about things at the intersection of programming, data science/analysis, management and product. I’ll also probably talk about these things in the context of e-commerce quite a lot, as it’s been my bread and butter for the past 6+ years. I’m a big proponent of the modern data stack and think it’s going to continue to be a huge growth area and productivity driver in the next 5 years - especially as organizations adopt the structures that best enable that.

I do most of my technical work in some combination of Python & SQL these days, but consider myself a generally language agnostic developer, and believe in working with the appropriate tools for the appropriate problems. I love estimation and approximate methods, probabilistic programming and simulation - whenever I start thinking about a problem, I like to create toy simulated representations to build an intuitive understanding of the system dynamics.

I’m from Kingston, ON and now live in Vancouver, BC. I’ve become an avid back-country recreationist in the last couple of years, and will probably be posting about some of that here as well. I take pictures - mostly of flora, fauna and places. I have a growing interest in pack-rafting as a unique way to travel around hard to reach ecosystems and geography, and have a love for all boats that don’t have engines on them.


You can find me on twitter.

This blog is hosted on github pages, and is a modified version of the swiss jekyll theme by brocolinni.